Multi-Layered Health & Nutrition Expertise
Hi, I’m Laura Rimmer – Optimum Health Coach
I work with busy people like you who are facing a health challenge, want to lose weight and get fit or simply want more energy to live your life to the fullest. You’re serious about making some positive changes to find great health, healing, a slim body and more youthful vitality.
In other areas of your life, like your career, you consider yourself pretty successful and you used to feel good in yourself and your body. But right now you feel pretty out of shape, run down and uncomfortable in your own skin. You’re asking yourself…
How did I get here? How did I put on weight and get unhealthy?
I know the feeling, I’ve been there!
I have been at many a crossroads and facing several very difficult challenges in my own life and have been able to resurface slimmer, healthier and truly fulfilled – by God’s grace – and I can help you to do the same.
I went from overweight, unfit, lethargic smoker with lots of uncertainties about life and health in my early twenties to slim, fit, vibrant, and truly happy in my forties.
I can help you to navigate through the other side of the challenging situation you’re in to come out stronger, happier and healthier and with more clarity and peace than ever before – no matter where you are right now, how fat and frumpy you feel or how much pain and turmoil you’re in (seriously).
That’s a bold statement and one I do not make lightly.
It took me over 15 years of relentless searching, researching, practicing and refining the principles of optimum health to produce the fail-safe system that I have been using with thousands of my coaching clients from all over the world to radically change their life and health for the better.
Since 2008, hundreds of thousands of people have visited and subscribed to my website and I get emails every week from people giving testimony to the fact that my approach simply WORKS.
It’s not faddy, it’s not difficult, it’s rooted in solid science and evidence and is completely sustainable over the long-term – my clients typically see great results long into the future.
My Mission
I deliver warm, tactful & methodical health expertise & nutrition coaching for optimum health, weight loss & healing to busy people who want to look, feel & be their best – in body, mind & spirit.
Strength and dignity are her clothing, and she laughs at the time to come. – Proverbs 31:25
FREE Optimum Health Scorecard
Don’t let your body & health deteriorate. Download my incredibly easy 30-Point Optimum Health & Weight Loss Scorecard (Audio + PDF) so you can pinpoint exactly where the problem is & fix it!

- Feeling great in those lovely outfits that you’ve not worn for years and feeling like ‘you’ again.
- Getting rid of the ‘fat and frumpy’ clothes in your closet, for good!
- Waking up feeling great and having lots of energy throughout the day.
- Being content with what you see in the mirror (rather than disappointed by your appearance).
- Being free of mental, emotional and physical pain.
- Feeling confident and happy in the face of the uncertainties and suffering going on around us.
- Truly enjoying eating a healthy AND decadent diet (think steaks, salmon, coffee with full-fat cream, delicious sugar-free desserts and smoothies) – instead of feeling deprived and restricted.
- No more sleepless nights worrying about if your health is going to get worse.
How much better would your life look if you took action to get truly healthy and no longer had to settle for imagining and longing for health, healing and a slim body, because you’re actually living it?
This is totally possible for you!
You have access to the power and tools to turn your life and health around – I’ll provide the coaching, expertise and support to bring it out and make it a reality, don’t worry. I’ve worked with people with every kind of disease and sickness, from IBS to diabetes to chronic fatigue, depression, obesity, psoriasis, even cancer… and seen stunning results.
I want the best for you, and I know how to help you get it.
You’re designed for vibrant health & a slim body – I can help you get there

A Natural Approach
I take a natural and traditional approach to optimum health – focusing on a more low-carb, higher ‘good’ fat, alkaline, healthy diet and looking at God’s design for us, which integrates the three aspects to our being – body, mind and spirit.
Why do I focus on a natural, higher-fat diet? The evidence for great health, as well as being good for the planet and the animals we are called to steward, points to it. Yes – responsible farming and sourcing of our foods is good for all involved, instead of mass GMO crops that are ravaging our health and our lands. You can find out more on the evidence for and benefits of a natural and traditionally nourishing diet in my podcast, Eternal Health. You can read about the 21 solid, science-backed benefits of a keto diet in my article here.
You’re in the right place if…
- You’re fed up of feeling fat and frumpy and want to lose weight permanently to get into slimmer, more attractive clothes (that don’t need to hide any bulges).
- You want to address a health challenge in a more natural way, such as Diabetes, heart disease, depression/anxiety, skin problems, gut/digestion issues, obesity, IBS, acid reflux, allergies, inflammation, arthritis, kidney or liver disease, hormone imbalances, dysfunctional eating, or cancer (I’ve successfully coached people with all of these health issues).
- You want to have more energy and vitality, better sleep and more zing in your life.
- You want to feel more attractive, body-confident and great in your own skin.
- You’re looking to achieve peak performance in sports, business or your family life.
- You’re ready to put as much focus on your health, body and mindset as you do your work and relationships.
- You want to understand and integrate your spiritual nature into your body and mind health.
- Want to naturally prevent illness and disease.
- You realise that as you begin to age, there’s an increasing need to prioritise your health.
- You want to feel attractive on the inside as well as the outside.
No more Type 2 Diabetes! Thanks Laura!
“I discovered, Laura and her book, ‘The Alkaline 5 Diet’. Her story was very inspiring to me, and again the science in her book made sense to me. I had Type 2 Diabetes and previously, I had a lot of problems with acid reflux. I knew my body was too acidic and I popped antacids down like candy. I took Laura’s coaching to get some help. Three months later, after having another blood test, my doctor called. I squealed with joy on the telephone as she read me the results of my HBA1C test. I had gone from a 7.1 to 4.9! No more Type 2 Diabetes! Thanks Laura!”