I believe…
Hi, I’m Laura – Nutritionist, Author, Speaker & Coach.
I coach busy people like you in a more natural, low-carb and high-fat (or ‘keto’) diet and lifestyle to achieve a healthy, slim and energised body and experience vibrant LIFE, as God has designed us to have.
Dear friend, I pray that you may enjoy good health and that all may go well with you, even as your soul is getting along well. – 3 John 1:2
Why Laura?
There are lots of nutritionists and health coaches out there and you want to know – what makes me different? Great question!
My Mission…
I deliver no-nonsense multi-layered health expertise to busy people who want to get slim, healed and energised.
I’m highly qualified.
Anyone can get a nutritionist qualification in a matter of months but not everyone has over a decade and a half of in-the-trenches experience, expertise and proven successes with hundreds of people around the world – I have.
I have been diligently researching, studying and practicing in the area of optimum health, natural nutrition, psychology and exercise for over 15 years.
My results.
Not only do I have glowing testimonials from my clients but I actually live what I preach, every day and it shows…
I’m in my 40’s and regularly get told that I look around 28. I typically wake up before 6am and jump out of bed to start my day with zeal (after much time in Bible and prayer with my best friend – Jesus).
I eat a mostly natural, low-carb high-fat (LCHF) diet (think high-quality meat, dairy, fats, nuts and seeds) with plenty of alkaline-forming foods (leafy greens and lots of veg!). I love this way of eating and have great energy, mental clarity and calmness all day to run my business, go for a 7-mile run and then spend time serving and fellowshipping with my church family in the evenings.
I have run over 50 endurance races – one ultra-marathon, 15 marathons, many half marathons and two triathlons.
I take no medications or drugs at all, I am happy and deeply fulfilled in my life.
I am faith-centred.
I pray for all of my clients, knowing that we need God’s help for every step of the journey. I am happy to go as deep as you like in the spiritual and multi-layered aspect of life and health. I take a Biblical perspective on life’s big questions, its ups and downs and how to experience the health, happiness and fulfilment you’ve always dreamed of.
I’m invested in your success.
I’ve spent many years and tens of thousands of pounds pursuing the best training and coaching in health and fitness, life and business. When you work with me, you have the benefit of all the high-level training and results-based expertise that I have acquired over the past 20 years.
I’m non-biased.
I am not employed, funded, sponsored by or invested in promoting any particular approach to health, other than what works! Even though I worked as medical health manager for number of years, I refused to be indoctrinated by the drugs-based health-care (disease) system and have remained independent. I have a Law degree and an in-depth knowledge of how to discern evidence.
I take a no-nonsense, pragmatic, rational and simple approach to health – that it should be as natural as possible and in line with how we we were created to thrive.
Body, mind & spirit.
You and I are complex beings, made up of three aspects – body, mind and spirit and I work in a way that integrates all three. To miss any one out is to neglect the whole picture and will not reap long-term weight loss, health or true healing. Unfortunately, all too many practitioners do not work holistically or they use pseudo-spirituality, which has little power (or can be dangerous).
I’ve been there.
Once upon a time, I was in your shoes – facing many a life and health challenge, crossroads and uncertainty, as you can see from my journey below.
I’ve come out the other side and helped many other people to do the same. I practice the principles that I teach and can honestly say I feel optimally healthy and deeply fulfilled in the three aspects of health – body, mind and spirit. I can help you to have this too.
My Qualifications, Publications & Formal Training:
- Hay House-published author of ‘The Alkaline 5 Diet’
- Author & publisher of 8 other health-related ebooks and reports
- Natural Health Nutritionist & Master Certified Ketogenic Diet Coach
- Former Medical Research Manager for UK Health Service
- Organiser & Speaker at The Natural Health & Vitality Conference
- Advanced Gym and Exercise to Music Instructor
Other Training I’ve Completed:
- 3 years intensive Bible & Theological training
- Brendon Burchard’s Experts Academy & High Performance Academy
- Anthony Robbins’ Unleash The Power Within
- Todd Herman’s 90-Day Year high performance & leadership coaching
- John Lee’s Speaker Training
- Vocal Performance Diploma
- Raymond Aaron’s 1-1 business coaching
- Clinton Swaine’s Play To Win business coaching
- BA (Hons) Law & Criminal Justice Degree – 2:1
- Chemistry, Biology, Maths & General Studies A-Levels
A few more things about me…
- I absolutely love birds – especially budgies!
- I cold water swim all year round.
- My first job was at age 8 as a paid church chorister, where I attended more weddings & funerals than most people do in a lifetime!
- I spend an average of 3 hours a day learning and reading.
- I love trying out new recipes and making healthy versions of typically unhealthy foods.
- Hard to believe but I was an old-school hip hop deejay at uni (I still have one of my Technics SL1200s and some vinyl)!
- I don’t watch TV at all – I haven’t had one since 2005.
- I have a home full of superfoods and weird supplements (a given for any serious Nutritionist!)
- I am a pretty good New York cross-body style salsa and cha cha dancer.
- I hardly ever dry my hair (and people tell me off for it all the time, especially in winter).
The road to optimum health & finding true LIFE is one step at a time – I know because I have travelled it! Thankfully you don’t have to do it the long, hard way as I did – I can help you take the direct route in the fast lane. Take a look at my journey…
Life-Changing Moment At University
FEB 1999
After getting alcohol poisoning whilst at university and feeling fed up being tired, overweight, unhealthy and unfit, I decided enough was enough and joined a local gym. The first time I ran a mile, in 15 minutes, I thought my lungs were going to explode but felt very satisfied once I’d completed it. I finished my session, left the gym and lit up a cigarette.
Over the next two years I slowly began changing my diet and eating habits from McDonald’s, instant noodles and Indian takeaways, washed down with Red Bull and beer to include more rice, pasta, vegetables and lean meats. I felt a lot better and had more energy.
I graduated with a 2:1 Law degree in 2001.
Journey of Self-Development & Positive Psychology
AUG 2001
As a shy introvert who had struggled to fit in at university, I was determined to figure out how to gain mastery over my life. I wanted to discover my purpose for being here, how to communicate at a high level, how to understand our emotions and have power and control over my mindset and outlook, as well as great health.
In my spare time, I devoured self-help books and audio programs and went to seminars by people like Dr Daniel Goleman (author of Emotional Intelligence), Dr John Demartini (The Breakthrough Experience) and Dr John Gray (Men Are From Mars, Women Are From Venus).
I also gave up smoking and didn’t look back.
New Age & Law Of Attraction
JUNE 2004
I made a natural and pretty typical progression from all the self-help work I was doing into new age spirituality and the law of attraction, as taught in films like ‘The Secret’ and by people such as Wayne Dyer and Esther Hicks.
I began to believe (misguidedly) in pantheism – that God was in everything and everyone and that I was part of the divine.
This gave me a deeper sense of the spiritual realm but yielded no real benefits or power and God eventually delivered me from this.
Ran Paris Marathon in 3:48
APRIL 2005
I had been running half marathons, researching nutrition & optimum health and using myself as a guinea pig to see what worked best for endurance, speed and recovery.
In 2004 I ran Paris Marathon in 4:48. I started following a more alkaline plant-based diet and ran Paris again in 2005. I was delighted to finish an hour quicker, in 3:48.
I went on to compete in over 50 endurance races, including cross country runs, commando challenges and London Olympic Triathlon, as well as many more half marathons and marathons. I felt great!
Became Medical Research Manager
OCT 2005
I studied hard and got the job as our local Medical Research & Development Manager. I was excited to help other people but quickly felt frustrated that there was such an emphasis on drugs and surgery and not enough on diet and exercise.
For two years I saw the influence of Big Pharma on the health service first-hand and, after writing a government report and being offered a promotion, I decided to quit my job and left.
Went To Anthony Robbins’ UPW Event
FEB 2008
Four days with the seven-foot American success coach and 12,000 other people discovering how to get past our ‘limiting beliefs’ and fire walking at ‘Unleash the Power Within’ was an experience, to say the least! Not one I would repeat or recommend for various reasons.
Set Up My Health Website
APRIL 2008
Knowing nothing about web design or online business, but having a strong desire to help people with their diet and health, I started my own website and newsletter at www.Alkaline-Diet-Health-Tips.com.
After a few years I was reaching many thousands of people a month and getting great feedback from my subscribers and clients who were improving their health and getting slim with my help. Great news!
Moved to London To Study Vocal Performance
JUNE 2008
I had always dreamed of being a singer so I moved to London for a few months to study vocal performance at a top music school, running my business from my laptop. To save money, I rented a room in an old dairy building in Richmond and used to practice my singing in the huge empty factory beneath. Fun times!
Became Lead Singer In A Rock Band
JAN 2009
I was neither a fan of rock music nor dingy pubs but keen to try out my improved vocal skills, I joined a rock band as lead singer. We gigged for a while and headlined a couple of local festivals. I’d hit the big time!
Moved Into A Country Mansion
FEB 2009
My Oscar-winning long-term boyfriend and I moved into a huge country mansion. We spent weekends out tending to the grounds and flying in his helicopter. Life was looking good on paper but alas, our values were very different and two months later we split up and I moved home with my Mum. One of many curve balls in my life!
Started A Business Development Consultancy
MARCH 2009
Having learned the skills of online business, I started providing web services and consultancy for entrepreneurs and finance and tech companies at www.iBrandBoost.com, as well as running my health website and coaching. I hired a small team to help me.
Went To Brendon Burchard’s Experts Academy In California
JUNE 2010
One of the best investments I made for my business and life – Brendon taught me how to package and promote my expertise. I started writing my first proper book after that and running health seminars. Getting the right coaching can really help you to achieve your goals!
Organised The Natural Health & Vitality Conference
APRIL 2012
My friend Tom & I held a multi-speaker health event at Dartington Hall in Devon, UK and people came to it from all around the world. It was a lot of work but a great success. I held another smaller event a few years later.
Spent A Year Travelling & Working From My Laptop
JAN 2013
I now had money, time and freedom in my business so I grabbed my laptop and went traveling to Italy, West Coast USA, Thailand, Turkey and Cyprus amongst other places. One of my favourite times was driving my friend’s Corvette around a track in the Mojave Desert in California.
Created Lots of Tasty Recipes & The Alkaline 5 Diet System
JAN 2014
By this time, I was training for an ultra-marathon, which included running a marathon every month for almost a year.
In order to stay injury-free and keep up my energy and vitality, I was experimenting feverishly in the my kitchen with new plant-based recipes and meal plans.
Voila! I came up with my Alkaline 5 Diet system – a foolproof way to eat big, tasty meals and still lose weight and feel fantastic.
Ran 32-Mile Ultra Marathon
JUNE 2014
32 miles of rugged hills and torrential rain across Dartmoor, this was simultaneously one of the best and worst experiences of my life because of the sheer emotion and pain! The training paid off and I accomplished my goal. I crossed the finished line and burst into tears.
Detox & Fitness Retreat In Thailand
JUNE 2014
I headed to Chiang Mai for a seven-day fitness bootcamp and detox retreat and then two weeks of cycling up mountains and eating durian, mangosteens and the best pineapples on earth at the Thai Fruit festival with around 100 fit vegans. This was a wonderful experience of vitality and enjoying creation.
Was Born Again!
AUG 2014
Jesus saved me and my life changed forever. I thought things were going pretty good before and I thought I had things figured out but I began to see big flaws, inconsistencies and dangers from taking a ‘pick and mix’ new age approach to spirituality.
It turned out I was missing the full glorious technicolour of life and its meaning that comes from knowing God, even through the ups and downs.
Accepting Jesus as my Lord & Saviour is the best thing that has or ever will happen to me.
Sang Verdi Requiem in Philharmonic Choir
MARCH 2015
No more rock bands – I was now firmly rooted in a large philharmonic choir and orchestra, which suited me much better as I’ve always adored classical, baroque, romantic and opera music.
Having the chance to sing Verdi’s formidable Requiem mass as a first soprano was a real thrill and we went on to sing Mendelssohn’s Elijah and Handel’s Israel In Egypt that year too – some glorious Biblical works. What an exciting year of music it was!
‘The Alkaline 5 Diet’ Published Worldwide By Hay House
APRIL 2015
I signed a deal with the world’s largest publisher of natural healing and spirituality books, Hay House in 2014 and my first paperback book was released in 2015 on Easter Monday.
I had some large book signings in London and my local Waterstone’s and was invited to speak at various health events around the country.
I started getting emails from people saying that A5D was very easy to read and they loved the recipes. I was pleased to hear it was helping people.
On Front Cover Of A Weekend Magazine
AUG 2015
I never thought I’d be a cover girl or centrefold of a magazine, but both happened in August 2015…I think Elle Macpherson must have been busy that month!
Featured in The Daily Mail
SEPT 2015
The Daily Mail contacted me to do an interview for a feature on the rise and effectiveness of the alkaline diet and my book and I snapped it up, along with an all-expenses paid trip to London with photoshoot.
Launched Signature Health Coaching Program
JAN 2016
I spent six months putting together my signature 8-week 1-1 and group coaching program, Alkaline, Slim & Energised.
It pulled together the very best elements of what I have coached people with over the past eight years to get great results with weight loss and healing in the most simple and effective way.
I loved working with my new clients and seeing their great results!
Interviewed For Personal Development TV Show
MARCH 2016
My old business friend John Lee from Wealth Dragons was launching a new personal development and success TV show and said that when it came to the topic of health, I was the first person he thought of to feature, how sweet! So Chris and I spent a really fun and interesting day of filming and photos in Ascot.
More Book Signings & Speaking Events
FEB 2017
Into 2017, I continued to work with people all over the world in my coaching programs and speak at events around the UK. I love seeing the transformation that people get when they make a commitment to step-up with their health and life and choose to let me be their guide, which is a great honour.
Started The Eternal Health Podcast
October 2017
I felt called to start a weekly podcast focusing on how to be naturally healthy in this unhealthy world we live in, with a Biblical slant on things. When I announced that I was no longer following a plant-based diet but a traditional and higher fat diet in April 2017, it caused a huge stir and is one of my most controversial episodes to date – being downloaded over 2,000 times in 5 days. I have interviewed some great guests and the world’s top doctors and authors like Dr Joel Fuhrman and Professor Timothy Noakes and have some great future guests lined up. Check out Eternal Health here.
FREE Optimum Health Scorecard
Don’t let your body & health deteriorate. Download my incredibly easy 30-Point Optimum Health & Weight Loss Scorecard (Audio + PDF) so you can pinpoint exactly where the problem is & fix it!