Reclaim your power & health
You’re busy, you want great results in your body & health, plus the energy & clarity to live your life to the full – I get it. Let me take my 20 years of coaching expertise & give you a personal blueprint for your success.
1-1 Freedom Coaching
If you’re struggling with emotional eating, negative/destructive habits, or addiction to alcohol, junk food, cigarettes etc, I can help you reach FREEDOM.
Have you ever found yourself eating to quell your nerves, for escapism, comfort, boredom, stress, as a reward…or any other reason apart from true hunger? You’re not alone – many people are emotional eaters and it’s a burden that keeps you trapped, unhealthy and deprived of your best life.
I invite you to work with me personally, in 1-1 sessions, for between 2-12 months to EASILY & enjoyably make some mindset shifts and new eating habits that’ll bring you the joy, fulfilment and freedom you’ve longed for.
What if you could…
Let’s talk for a minute about emotional eating and sugar cravings…
Emotional eating is like a drug addiction.
Here’s a description of one of the world’s most common addictive substances:
– Well known for its harmful effects on the human body.
– Usually hooks its victims immediately and for many, they remain hooked for life.
– Dealers hook users and keep them hooked with cheap deals, colourful packaging and happy sales pitches.
– The more miserable it makes you, the greater your feeling of dependency becomes.
– Side effects include: Sluggishness, depression, diabetes, obesity, tooth cavities, stress, anxiety, mood swings, loss of self-esteem, shame, guilt, isolation and sometimes suicide.
– Worse still, it’s pushed on children from an early age to reward them and celebrate special occasions.
– Benefits: None. Zero.
This description reads like a class-A drug.
In fact, as you’ve probably guessed it’s a description of white refined sugar.
We don’t normally see sugar in quite the same light as a class-A drug, despite knowing very well that it rots our teeth, makes us put on weight and increasingly leads to diabetes or serious ill health and cancer.
The worst we can say about sugary foods is that they’re ‘naughty but nice’.
Diabetes kills far more people than heroin. Would you call heroin naughty but nice?
You need to understand that the trap you’re in as an emotional eater – who finds comfort in sugary and other unhealthy foods – is the same lot as that of a heroin addict.
It’s a mental trap, not a physical one and it’s created by brainwashing from the media, supermarkets, even family members (“Be good and you can have some chocolate.” “Eat all your dinner and you can have jelly and ice cream.” Etc).
In order to escape this trap, you need to first realise you’re in it and then seek to change your frame of mind. It’s highly unlikely you can pull yourself out of this trap alone. This requires help from an experienced expert…
I have both been in the trap myself, for many years, but am now free. And I’ve trained in the psychology of overcoming addiction, and I’ve helped many people around the world overcome this pattern too and experience true health freedom. I combine this with my extensive knowledge of natural health, healing and dietary protocols and this is what will bring the breakthrough for you.

Let’s face it…
Making changes to your eating habits, activity levels, and overall lifestyle can seem HARD. Even if you had the time to find all the information and figure out exactly what you need to do to get in shape and in great physical, mental and spiritual health, for most of us that just isn’t enough (if it were, we’d all be healthy and in perfect shape!).
The hard part is knowing the correct path, getting started and then sticking with it consistently – especially when you’re trying to do it by yourself.
However, once you know the correct path it becomes EASY. Trust me, I’ve seen it with thousands of people over the years. Think of it like this – if you keep trying to push open a door that opens from the inside by pulling, will you ever get there? Even if you put more effort into pushing? No! But once you know that all you have to do is turn the handle and gently push, BINGO – it opens effortlessly! The the answer to your health struggles is not found in more years of pushing harder. It’s found with a completely different approach – an EASY one, that once you know will make it effortless for you to be at your correct weight and on the path to great health and healing – no matter where you’re starting from now, or how many years (or decades) you’ve struggled for.
Think of it like this – once you’re given the right combination code to unlock the proven path to great health, you’ll always have it and can use it anytime to effortlessly walk through.
If you’ve had trouble in the past with sugar cravings, emotional eating, or sticking with a healthy diet or exercise programme (and believe me, you’re not alone!), then 1-1 coaching with me is just what you need.
What’s included
Benefits of coaching with me
Listen to advice and accept instruction, that you may gain wisdom in the future.
– Proverbs 19:20
Each 1-1 coaching program is multi-layered & completely tailored to you but here are some of the topics we could be working through during our sessions together…
You were fearfully and wonderfully made. It’s time to stop letting your one, precious life pass you by.
Why work with me?
1. My powerful but gentle approach
I was once described by a boss of mine as a ‘fist in a silk glove’. I was initially offended by this and asked her to clarify what she meant. She went on to explain that I am very calm, kind and gentle on the outside and in the way I communicate but I deliver powerfully impactful messages and training. I think this actually sums up the way I work pretty well.
I won’t pull any punches and I will say things how they are, but it will be delivered in love and truth and with the purpose of helping you move forward to get better results. My unique no-nonsense but warm, tactful and methodical approach has worked well to get great results for my many clients, and proven over many years.
If you’re looking for a fluffy, ‘nice’ coach who will empathise endlessly with your situation and validate negative patterns and drama, that’s not me. If you want results and help that’s proactive and clear but kind, calm but heart-centred, analytical but truthful and multi-layered – I’m definitely the coach you’re looking for.
2. I value your time & resources
I like to keep things simple. Our time together will be focused, well-crafted and results-oriented. Nothing I coach on is random, I prayerfully approach our sessions in a way that creates synergy to elevate your life across all areas of your health – body, mind, spirit (which will also have a positive effect on relationships, family and career/purpose).
In my own life, I practice what I preach: I follow these health principles myself and at any one time I usually have at least two of my own mentors and coaches who guide me in my work, health, spiritual life and relationships. I’ve found this to be essential and invaluable to my ongoing growth and positive results and I know it will be for you too.
3. I’m highly qualified & experienced
Anyone can get a Nutritionist qualification in a matter of months but not everyone has over two decades of in-the-trenches experience, expertise and proven successes with thousands of people around the world – I have.
I have extensive experience in both conventional medicine (working as NHS Medical Research Manager in my 20s), and a more natural, holistic holistic integrative approach – how I work now, seeing much better success.
Whatever your situation, I have seen it before and will not be phased by it. I will not judge you, I’ll work with you professionally and with a clear plan to get you the results you desire.
In some instances, as your coach, I will see things about you that you may not be able to see because it’s too close to home. I will use my expertise to come up with a plan of action and guide you in a gentle and loving way.
I want to see you get great results with your health and to experience true LIFE, as God has intended for us.
4. A truly integrated & faith-centred approach
We are wonderfully complex beings, made up of body, mind and spirit and to neglect any one aspect would be to miss the complete picture. My coaching is centred around all three areas, so that we maximise your results.
I pray for all of my clients, knowing that we need God’s help for every step of the journey. I am happy to go as deep as you like in the spiritual and multi-layered aspects of life and health.
5. I am 100% invested in you
We won’t just spend time talking in circles and how no one is perfect. No, we will create strategic, clear and actionable items for you to accomplish and succeed with – using proven and well-researched health protocols. We will be building small and big wins, week on week.
Also, if I see something that you may be missing, I will tell it to you straight, in a loving way (trust me it’s helpful). I’m that push you need and I won’t settle for the stories you have been telling yourself that have kept you stuck.
Don’t worry – it will be fun, there will be no overwhelm and you’ll enjoy the process and our time together.
Is this right for you?
This is for you if…
- You’re chronically sick, overweight, tired, in pain, depressed or stressed and are ready to make a change.
- You realise that what you’ve been doing isn’t working, and you’re willing to take the steps that are already proven to work and get the expert guidance and support you need.
- You’ve had enough of ‘just getting by’ in your health and life.
- You want to be free from the bondage of emotional eating and junk food addiction.
- You want to jump out of bed in the morning with energy and feeling great.
- You want to experience deep healing in your body, mind or spirit.
- You thought you had it together spiritually but more recently you’re not so sure.
- You want peace of mind, joy and peace, rather than fleeting pleasures and highs and lows.
- You’re fed up of waiting for your life to change, you’re ready to take the proven and simple actions needed to get healthy, slim & full of vitality.
- You’re ready to stop making excuses and start living the life that you know is possible for you.
What’s next?
- Click the pink button below and complete the short contact form to arrange a complimentary consultation (45 minutes).
- We’ll talk through your health struggles and get crystal clear on your health goals and how to take you there from where you are now.
- If we’re a good fit to work together, I’ll invite you to purchase an 8-week or 12-week 1-1 coaching package (or maybe just an extra one-off session, or group coaching programme), and I’ll send your personalised Welcome Pack, as well as your login details to any of my comprehensive online programmes that we may agree together. (You’ll get clearer on your goals and way forward with your health, and begin seeing results even before we start working together!).
- We’ll schedule our first 60-minute calls.
- We’ll have regular Zoom meeting calls (or Skype) to get you onto the path of great health and achieving your biggest goals/desires: I’ll give you the wisdom, guidance and practical, bite-size steps to take and easy changes to make. You bring a willing attitude. I look forward to hearing about the wonderful results you’ll start seeing…and often extra, unexpected benefits too!
Special note: I have worked with some high-profile people and I can assure all of my clients of complete confidentiality and discretion at the level you request. If you have high public visibility or would class yourself as a celebrity, or are another health, mindset or spirituality coach but are struggling and want direction, you can feel confident working with me.
I am an experienced and results-driven health coach and Nutritionist with over 15 years of multi-layered analytical expertise. So can I help you? Yes. However, this is not intended to replace a one-on-one relationship with a qualified medical doctor or health care professional and is not intended as medical advice. It is intended to supplement any advice you are currently being given and to provide you with natural health coaching – as a sharing of knowledge and information from my in-depth research and experience.
You are encouraged to make your own health care decisions based upon your research and in partnership with a qualified health care professional.
As you can imagine, results aren’t something that I can fully guarantee. Why? Because every single one of us is different. That said, my clients have had amazing results implementing everything I teach in my programs and coaching – as you can see from my testimonials – and I truly believe this is possible for you, too, if you’re committed to doing the same. I firmly stand behind everything I will share with you in this program because I know that this has worked for me and for many of my clients. I’ll give you the recipe, but you’ve got to bake the (healthy) cake!
I’ve never let money hold me back in my own life, I’m a firm believer in resourcefulness rather than resources. Therefore, I never let my clients make money excuses either. If you’ve read this far, you know you need help! You’ve found me for a reason, and my program is resonating with you for a reason. I invite you to schedule your free consultation call and I can walk you through multiple ways that you can find the money to invest in coaching. You are resourceful!